
When a boy meet a girl

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Literature Text

When a boy meet a girl

Aquos - (on a rooftop) woow, Gotham...nice city

(bank alarm)

Aquos - (go to the bank and see Catwoman)...

Catwoman - (stealing diamonds) meow~, diamonds, the friend of every woman

Aquos - (take the diamond with a web) you said woman, not a cat

Catwoman - (hiss, claws out) give my diamond back little girl

Aquos - :jedi: come and get it, kitty

Batman and Robin - (enter through window)

Catwoman - Whiskers

Aquos -  hey i came here first ...

Batman - Give up Catwoman

Catwoman - Make me, big bat

Aquos - (shoot a big web to catwoman/leaves the diamond and runaway on her lightcycle)

Batman - Robin, you get her

Robin - Got it (chase Aquos)

On the road))

Aquos -  (see Robin) first time a guy chase me (activate turbo)

Robin - Hey, stop right there girl

Aquos - let me think nah (turn left and disappear)

Batman - You let her escape?!

Robin - What, she had a motorcycle with turbo

Batman - That never stoped me from binding criminals

Robin - Yeah, but you are you and i am me... so did you catch Catwoman?

Batman - No

Robin - Then you can't lecture me about letting criminals escape

Batman - Catwoman is a different case

Robin - Oh really, how so?

Batman - i'm trying to change her mind in beeing a thief, she could be a heroine

Robin - Nah, you just like her

Alfred - That's what i have been saying to him since they met

Batman - Not now Alfred(turns to Robin) and you, i want you to catch that girl

Robin - Whatever, alright boss

Somewhere in Gotham:

Aquos - (swinging like spiderman)

Robin - (looking through a binocular) found you(shoot granple, and follow Aquos)

Aquos - (swinging like spiderman) yeehhhaaa

Robin - (throw binding line, and got Aquos) now i got you girl


Robin - Yeah right, let the Bat decide that


Aquos - ...this is just unfair

Batman - What were you doing in that Bank with Catwoman?

Aquos - trying to stop her??....(bored)may i have some water??

Batman - first she didnt stole anything, you took her out before she stole the diamond and two, she almost die of lack of air

Robin - i´ll get some..

Batman -  no

Aquos - hey im a rookie, ok? im just new at this of being free lance i talking to much??

Robin - yeah

Aquos - i need to ask something, where the hell am i? cuz after you use that sleeping dart on me to shut my mouth i didnt know what happend so...where am i?

Robin - on the batcave

Aquos - ooooohhhhh the batcave, now i really would love got my camera , but i have a doubt actully two theories one: Batman and Bruce Wayne are friends and Bruce Wayne give money to Batman to get all this cool stuff or two Burce Wayne and Jason Todd are Robin and  Batman , how do i guess this i read books of detectives like Sherlok Holmes and also i see a lot of tech what it come from Wayne Industries...again may i have some water?

Batman - (remove his mask) option two

Robin - (remove his mask as well) how´d you know?

Aquos - i use the same method as Sherlok Holmes, i read a lot that books and i use my brain, any questions?

Robin - yeah, just one, why you talk so much?

Aquos - cuz i have a mouth and i really love give it a use, i only shut up when  i eat or sleep

Robin - (thinking) Or when you dont have anything to say

Aquos - but again, may i have some water please???

Robin - Okay,okay , ill go and get it for you, geez

Aquos - thank you bird brain

Batman - Back to the matter of hand, who are you?

Aquos - you think im gonna tell you? sorry but im not gonna say anything

Batman - then i cant le go out of here

Aquos - what?! thats just not fair!!!i really have to get out of here is neccesary that i have get out of here!! im begging you! not on my knees but im begging you

Robin - why the ruckus? fear of caves?

Aquos - no, i just want to get out of here for my own good!(thinking) shit , shit shit, shit , shhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt  (by fear she frooze the water) yikes

Robin - Whoa, calm down there

Batman - (raice a eyebrown)

Aquos - can i go now, please?? (thinking) now i messed up and big...i really need to go (Stop thinking) that  happend when im scared or angry if you´re wondering  (shes getting cold)

Robin - why would you be scared

Aquos - secret ...personal, forget it!(try to calm down)

Robin - Okay

Batman - calm down

Aquos - im tryting, can i get out of here? i leave my lightcycle on a parking lot

Robin - Bat?

Batman - i know i´ll regret this but,ok (trow a sleeping dart to her)

Aquos - (get sleep)

Batman - Robin, you stay near her,i want you to watch what is her deal

Robin - get that boss

(the Batcave get a little cold)

Batman - i´ll tale her out of here, before Alfred get a cold


Aquos - (awake)... what the hell?(look around) well at least im not on the cave, now lets find my lightcycle

parking lot))

Aquos - (Try to turn on her lightcycle/note the gasoline tank is broken)...shit, this is clearly not my jam, this looks like the work of a...sword?...shit!(thinking) and i thought i lost him on Metropolis

Robin - (watching from away) whats she doing?

Aquos - (take her wallet and look for 20 dollars) well at least i get money for gasoline (change the gasoline tank and go for gasoline)...(she feels like someone is watching her) i knew i shouldnt never play the game of Slenderman (see her cellphone watch/hour 11:20) its  late

Robin - (follow her sneakly)

Aquos -(hear something) whos there?! (take her lightsaber) ... maybe it was my imagination

Robin - (thinking) shit, she almost blew up my cover up(when he turn to watch her Aquos wasnt there)

Aquos - what are you doing here?? (thinking) this is weird, more wierd than i ever thought

Robin - (startled by her/jump up) damn, dont do that!

Aquos - i said what are you doing here?

Robin - doing what the Bat told me, keep an eye on you

Aquos - oohh, its kind of a tradition watch the new heroes as criminals? cuz something tells me i cant get use to it (thinking) but if a cute guy like you watch me something tells me i can get use to it on a im glad i didnt said that out loud

Robin - Oh, is that so, well , i dont mind watching over a cute girl like you

Aquos -  you think im cute??

Robin - quite the catch,actully

Aquos - uh huh , look i need get my things ready, tomorrow i´ll go to New Jersey or somewhere else

Robin - Why is that?

Aquos - i cant tell you, its personal and something you dont need to know

Robin - then, how i help you?

Aquos -  i dont need any help, i just need to go

Robin - Yeah right, you really showed you dont need help to go away, what are you so afraid of?

Deathstroke - that would be me

Aquos - ?! ...shit(thinking) why these kind of things happend to me?!

Robin - Deahtstroke?! What are you doing here?!

Aquos - ..(try to take the control remote of her lightcycle to activate the lightcycle and hit Deathstroke with it)

Deathstroke -(Avoid the lightcycle) im here to get my daugther back

Robin - your daugther? whos your daugther??

Aquos - (take a ice-smoke-bomb and runaway)

Robin and Deathstroke - (cough)

Robin - hey, wait!

(on the rooftops)

Aquos - (running away/thinking) how did he found me?! how?!

Deathstroke - (trow explosives at her)

Robin - watch out (tackle her out of the way)

Aquos - (free herself/keep running away/jump out /shoot a web and start swinning like spiderman) and this day keep getting worse (hide on the sewers/thinking) eeeww what a wonderfull smelll i discover i have to see the bright side, no bot wonder, no terminator is a safe place for now (touch her neck/note she dont have her cameo/thinking) ?! my cameo...wheres my cameo?!....oh shit i lost it


Robin - wheres she?! damn it (holding her cameo)

back at Aquos))

Aquos - i cant belive i lost my cameo (go outside the sewers/she see theres no one on the streets/sigh) thanks God (thinking) im alive , im aliiiiiivvvveeee!

At the Batcave))

Batman - you lost her?

Robin - sorry boss, Deathstroke appeared, and while i fight him of, she runaway

Batman - (sigh/pinch the bridge of his nose/Batman notes the cameo of Aquos that Robin is holding on his hand)

Batman - whats that? (point the cameo)

Robin - what, this? she dropped before i lost sight of her (Robin notes theres something written behind the cameo/ its the real name of Aquos) Susan Anastasia Wilson? is that her name?

Batman - It would seems as such, go search for her before she leaves the city, i´ll do some search on her

Robin - got it boss

At Gotham Park))

Aquos - (sit on the top of a tree/eat an apple/hear something)?! (leave the apple and take her lightsaber)

Deathstroke - hello my daughter

Aquos - yikes (thinking) why he cant leave me alone for a that so hard?!..dumb question(kick Deathstroke on the face and runaway)

Deathstroke - (get up and run after her)

Aquos - (trow explosives with form of ice cubes/ run do a dark corner / jump to the wall/ use ice claws to climb the wall)

Deathstroke - (shoot her on the leg)

Aquos - gaaaaah (cover her injure)

Deathstroke - youre unjured, you cant runaway from me anymore

Robin - wanna bet?! (hit Deathstroke in the face with a flying kick)

Aquos - (go to the rooftop/ sit while her leg is bleeding)worse day on my life

Robin -  (follow her/hes beaten up) heh....found you...

Aquos - would you mind on leave me alone? (thinking) is hard this day get better one way or another? (still cover her injure)is nothing to worry about...(try to stand up) ...ouch (thinking) why do i always get wrong? (stop thinking) shit, it hurts

Robin  –  yeah I can see that (sarcasm) okay sit down

Aquos  - who you think you are to give me orders??..right now all I want is leave the city (cover the injure with a web) and I can take care of myself … (shew barely can stand up) ouch…what are you looking at?!

Robin – what you think? ... im looking at you stubborn, proud and cute, I like it , but I won´t be able to leave the city with an injure like that , now please sit down , so I can treat it

Aquos  -  I don’t  need  your help!  So leave me alone!  (Robin take her and carry her) HEY!

Robin – shut up!  Im taking you back to the cave so we can treat that wound , you like it or not , so shut the hell up  and deal with it!

Aquos - why these things happend to me?!?


Aquos - this day cant get any worse

Batman - if you don’t stop talking, it will

Robin - (whispering to her) belive me, he doesn’t like when people don’t stay in silence …much

Aquos - (thinking) did he just insult my mouth??  (stop thinking) I can see that…

Batman - now, stand still, this might hurt a bit (take the forceps , and try to pull out the bullet of her leg)

Aquos - ooouuuchh!

Batman -  keep her still , Jason

Jason - ok , i´ll try (hold her firmly in place)

Aquos - (thinking) SHIIIIITT! SHIT SHIT SHIT! hurts a lot!

Jason - (looking down at her worried)

Batman  - and …there .. im done , now all you need is rest for at least two or three days

Aquos - i dont need any rest, i need get out of here and get out of this i did before (thinking) 5 cities and when you go to the next one you get a bullet on the leg ...this day can’t get any worse .... note to self: dont ask "this day cant get any worse" cuz it always happened

Batman - Jason, take her to a bedroom and ask to Alfred to bring her some painkillers, blankets and a cup of tea

Aquos - are you even litsening?! I dont need anything I just need to leave the city

Jason - sure thing, boss  (he grab her bridal style, and take her to one of the rooms)


Later in the room))

Aquos - (thinking)  and i had to ask to myself if this day can get any worse (see the window/thinking) webs as ropes and a sure runaway...brain i love you

Robin - i´ll put the security system , so Deathstroke can’t find you  (type the security system end the main door and all the windows are locked and electrified)

Aquos - ( thinking) shit!  ...why this happend to me?!

Robin  - (notice her expression) whats with that face?

Aquos - (thinking) the universe just love´s proving me wrong, isnt it?!

Jason - (sit beside her) whats wrong  Susan?

Susan - (ignore him/thinking) i need to get out of here!!

Jason - oh, I almost forgot it, here (give her the cameo she lost) you droped it

Susan - (take her cameo/ she didnt said "thanks")

Jason - a thanks would be good you know?

Susan - (she didnt reply)

Jason - Susan?

Susan -  look I dont want to talk for now … I want to be alone … and thanks for giving me back my cameo  (thinking) now lets think on the a way to get out of here ...and stop looking at him!

Jason  - (smile) Okay then and,  youre welcome (get up)

Susan - (after Jason leave the room she frooze the electrified fence of her window) ...

Jason - (saying from behind the door) Oh and I wouldn’t try to get out by the window

Susan - for once could you shut up?! (take the fence and put it on the other side of the window/shoot a web to the roof and tied up part of the web to her hip  and go down carefully)

Jason - (sigh) oh well I tried to warn her about the traps out there when the security activated , (sigh again) i´ll have to save her …again


Susan - (stick to the wall/see the traps) shit... (shoot webs to the threes and use the
webs to cross the way) ha, I love my brain

Jason - (appear from nowhere) yeah, he sure is usefull  (sarcasm)

Susan - shit!

Jason - hey carefull , you could fall into these traps if you don’t pay attention

Susan - i can handle it myself, so go away!

Jason - yeah  like you did before when you get injured? or when you messed up on Metropolis?

Susan - oh for God sakes , shut up! you dont know anything about me!

Jason -  thats where you´re wrong, I know everything about you Susan Anastasia Wilson

Susan - would you please let me get out of this place and stop talking!?

Jason - sure thing (grab her and head back to the house)

Susan - hey let me go! (shoot him a web on the face) i remember you, i am a lady, but you
cant take me for granted

Jason - argh, my eyes (drop her  uncerimonialy  to the ground)Why you did that for?!(try to take the web out of his eyes)

Susan - cuz im sick of this day, i dont wanna be here i want to leave the city!

Jason - Why is that?! Dont you see that im  trying to help you?!

Susan - i never asked you by help! all i wanted to do is leave the city and go to
somewhere else, so let me ask you something, its really hard to ask you to leave me alone?! (thinking) apparently is really hard leave me alone

Jason- Yeah, I wont let a girl who is being chased by Deathstroke alone, even if he is her father! Even more if she is cute as you

Susan - you know what pretty boy? If you dont let me go on the next 3 seconds im gonna take you down

Jason – whatever, but I wont let you leave here in the open where your father can find you

Susan -(walk away to leave the house)

Jason - (tackle her and hold her to the ground)I wont let you go that easily! , you need to rest to recover from your injures

Susan - i dont need any rest, for the last goddamn time!

Jason - Look, how about this, you stay here and rest until your fully recovered, and when
you´re fully recovered I wont stop you from going, how that sound??

Susan - let me think no, I can walk and run, just let me go

Jason - if I let you go, injured like that, do you really think you would stand a chance against Deathstroke or any other villain for that matter??

Susan - I can take that risk, why you even care about me?!

Jason - Because I think you´re pretty cute

Susan - just for my butt? know what, im out of here (thinking) in someway i feel offended...

Jason - who said anything about your butt?

Susan - well I think that was what you meant (thinking) i suppose this kind of things
happend when you are close of a hot guy

Jason - im not so low as to say a girl is cute because of the size of her butt, I think you´re cute because , when we were letting you go before, I took a look  at your face while you were unconscious

Susan - ok...can I go now? ...i know it seems that i dont give up when i want something

Jason - soo ... you´re staying??

Susan - oh hecks no ... i dont like to stay locked

Jason - no one said you´d be locked, we only said that you were to rest here until you get

Susan - what part of “i feel alright and i dont want to stay here more time” you dont understand?(hear an explotion) shit! at least your explosives are made on china , my second theory is someone knock the door

Jason - I think its better for you go inside now, don’t you we´re too much exposed in here

Susan - no, if its Deathstroke he´s my resposability and if you try to treat me like a fragile little girl im gonna make you cry

Jason - im not trating you like a fragile girl , im trating you like a injured girl

Susan - whatever..

Susan - (see Deathstroke/thinking) damn it (Stop thinking/whispear to Jason) now you see why I wanted to leave?? (thinking) this is clearly not my jam

Jason - I see, so he have some way to track you down?

Susan - I don’t know how he always track me down, but he always made it, you have to get out of here, i can handle it by my own

Batman -  no, this is my house, if he discover the Batcave under the Wayne mansion

Robin - ...our secret will be good as your leg right now

Susan - let me give you one worht advice, be out of this, I brought him here, i´ll get him out of here (take  her lightsabers) hey dad, get out of here …now (Attack him like Deadpool)

Deathstroke -  oh im really happy to see that you´ve decided to stop running away from me
(Attack her)

Aquos - you want to fight? fine , i was scared once , but i think a little time to think and a bullet on my leg just get me angry with out mention scared (attack like Korra) but guess what?...some how my fear is gone(she down her defense for a few seconds and those seconds Deathstroke advantage and stab her with a dagger)?!

Deathstroke  - you let the guard down, big mistake, I thought I taught you better (Take his dagger out of her)

Aquos - (fall on the ground and start bleeding)

Robin - Susan! (run to her)

Batman - Robin, wait!

Deathstroke - (attack Robin)

Aquos - im...sorry.....

Robin - (defend himself) didn’t I told you to rest?

Aquos - oh…shut …up (cover her injure and try to keep her eyes open)

Robin - Hold on Susan, i´ll help you!

Deathstroke - But before that you´ll have to defeat me, Haaaah! (hit Robin with a
roundhouse kick)

Batman - (get in the way and defend Robin) i´ll handle him, you get her to the hospital

Aquos - (close her eyes)

Robin - Susan, keep your eyes open!

Aquos - Robin..?

Robin - Yeah, its me Susan, keep your eyes open, ill get you to a hospital

Aquos -

Robin - Bullshit, hurry up, I need to get us out of here (grab her in his arms)

Aquos - (try to open her eyes)

Robin- oh boy (hold her bridal style and take her away)

Aquos - im...really..sorry...about...what...happened

Robin - hush, you dont need to be sorry

Aquos - yes, i...have.. to ..and I dont...know...if

Robin - dont say that

Aquos – then …what you…want me …to…say? ..i feel like …im …gonna …die

Robin – say to me , no promise to me that you wont die (put her on hs bike and drive of to hospital)

Aquos – (hold him/she faint and close her eyes)

Robin – SUSAN!!! (Activate turbo)


Robin- help! Someone help!

Aquos – (still fainted and bleeding)


Nurse 2 - what happend to her?!

Robin – She was attacked by Deathstroke, please help her!

2 hours later))

Aquos -(awaking slowly) where am i?

Doctor – (sigh)…it was difficult , but we managed to stabilize her and tend the wound, now she needs to rest

Robin – (notice that she is awake) Susan!

Aquos -…hey

Doctor – hello miss, how do you feel?

Aquos - well im not dead, right? anyway, how much blood i lost?

Doctor – well, by my estimations you lost 2/3 of blood

Aquos -oh...well that explain my momentary idiocy (look a bag of blood)

Doctor – (Smile)

Robin – heheh, yeah …

Aquos - (look a bag of blood) it seems someone donate blood (thinking)worse day on my life

Doctor – oh yes, we didn’t have the blood you needed, so this good boy here donated to you (points Jason)

Aquos - you´re A+?

Robin – Yeah, surprise surprise

Aquos – well I think I should say thanks  

Robin - …you´re an idiot … you had more than worried sick here, all because of your stubbornness that also almost cost you´re life

Aquos – yeah, almost

Robin –don’t ever do that again, you hear me?!

Aquos – ok, fine! …its me or you sound worried and angry?

Robin -   I AM worried and angry with you!

Aquos – how many times do I have to get sorry with you?, i just wanted to leave the city cuz i knew he was trying to follow me , i never thought this could happened

Robin – but please promise me that you wont do that again, I .. I  don’t know what I would do without you?

Aquos – I promise

1 week later))

Aquos –(sit on rooftop)

Robin –(beside her) So, hows it going?

Aquos -  fine …. I think i´ll stay on this city

Robin – that’s good to know

Aquos – don’t get so excited

Robin – Okay … hey do you want go out with me?

Aquos – well…I cant

Robin – why not?

Aquos – is hard to explain and i think you wouldn’t understand

Robin- try me?(thinking) de´javu

Aquos-is just that I don’t know if I should allow to myself have someone special in my life, cuz after the divorce of my parents and that my dad forbade and threatened me that if I fell in love or something like that he would make my life a living hell

Robin – he already made your life a living hell

Aquos - compared with what?? With the fact he stab me or the fact that he was following me

Robin – both (receive a call from Batman) what is it boss?

Batman -  Drug dealer in your area, right in front of you

Robin – Got it(turn to Aquos) why you say about some butt-kicking?

Aquos – sounds ok to me

Robin –Okay, then lets go (shoot granple)

Aquos - (shoot a web)

Inside the building))

Thug -  stop or ill..

Robin – you´ll what? Shoot me? (charge at the thug)

Thug - (shoot at Robin)

Aquos – (protect herself and shoot webs) to easy

Robin – (avoid the bullets and kick the thug in the chest)

Thug –(crashes trough the door behind him)

Aquos – that has to hurt, isn’t it?

Robin – I hope so (avoid more shoots from the other thugs)

Aquos – (use an iceshield) hey im standing here! (joke)

Robin – hahahaha, good one  (kick the oter thug on the face and avoid the next, trow a birdarang at him and punched him in the face)

Aquos – nice!

Robin – (walk to one of the thugs) twenty rounds per second and you´re still to slow

Thug - im not slow! (shoot at Robin)

Aquos – (avoid the shoots)

Robin – (elbowed the thug in the neck)

Aquos – (thinking)  Batman is going to get mad


Aquos -(thinking) hey i am a good guesser!


Robin - I had to take him down

Batman - You shattered his collar bone!

Robin - His a drug dealing pinp, i didn't think i had to give him some pill before i took
him out

Batman - We needed him, he would've talked, but you put him in shock!

Robin - Sorry, that was dumb, but he deserved it

Aquos – (to Bruce) whats wrong with him?

Bruce – (sigh) …he lost his mother to drugs and his father was murdered by a drug dealer he hates drug dealers

Aquos - well i suppose that explain everything...

Batman – go and make him company , he needs you more than me

Aquos - … Ok

Susan - (sits beside Jason)

Jason - …sorry about that

Susan - dont worry i think we had something on common, you hate drug dealers i hate mercenaries, and Bruce told me about what happend in your family...but hey in some way your life was better compared with my life

Jason – how so? , you still have your father, sure hes a maniac beyond belif and tried to kill you , but hes still your father , I had nothing , not even the clothes on my  body were mine, they from a guy ´s house  passed by took it , I had nothing until Bruce found me

Susan – im just saying, at least you didn’t have to see how your mother was murdered by your own father and your father didn’t give you powers by a genetic project and after that treat you like an animal

Jason – point taken….uhm …remember when …nah forget it

Susan - remember when what? you know you can tell me...

Jason – (breath in) remember when I said I liked you?

Susan – yeah , what about it?

Jason – I still do, no, its more now

Susan – what you mean??

Jason – (thinking) she´ll really gonna make me say it (stop thinking) what I mean is that . tt..hhaat .. I ..i  love you

Susan – what?! :blushes: you what?!

Jason -  I .. I love you, and I don’t know what I would do now without you

Susan – I don’t know what to say …

Jason -  uhm …I ..uhmmm

Susan - you what??

Jason – I … I  want to know …. You want to be my girlfriend?

Susan - (take him and kiss him on the lips)...that answer your  question??

Jason – (a little dazzed) … yeah … (kiss her back)

Susan - i love you, Jason (thinking) the heck with what my father forbade me to fall in love,  its my life so i do whatever i want with it

Jason – I love you too, Susan

Susan - i think our lives get a 100% better

Jason – I agree (kiss her)

Susan - (kiss him back)

The End
Robin, Batman, Catwoman and Deathstroke - DC
Aquos - mine

this was an RP between me and :iconpedrofaria339:
© 2013 - 2024 LordVaderNihilus
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draoptimusstar2's avatar
interesante primer en cuentro es tierno el amor en las sombras si es hermoso